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Event Manager
Meta Tags Every Webpage Should Have
Written by Event Manager
on 25 May, 2014 | Modified 25 May, 2014 | Views 2850
Social Media is obviously a great place for content discovery, but oftentimes the meta data created for Search is not enough to encourage people to click through therefore it is best to use the meta tags each social platform provides.
18 Meta Tags Every Webpage Should Have in 2013
The definitive guide to Search and Social Meta Tags you should be using in 2013. No fluff, no wasted code, just what you need to use.
The most important function of metadata is not the ability to influence rankings, but its ability to encourage your content to make the best first impression possible. The Big 3 social networks all allow marketers the ability to provide metadata specific to the channel and therein lies the opportunity to provided titles, descriptions and pictures that resonate directly with audience in a given channel.
Read more: 18 meta tags every webpage should have in 2013
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